Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)

Welcome to Saturday Serials

Miss Sweet is the owner of a cozy saloon and a broken heart. Below is her story.

Miss Sweet's Saloon Part XIV - Mommy Dearest

Now that Miss Sweet has moved away from home and is finally settling down to a place of her own...

And her old flame, Gus, has managed to slip out from under some trouble...

It's a bout time we checked in on Miss Sweet's mother. You remember her, right?

"Her Ma hadn't been happy with just one man. 
Evidence enough were right there in the photograph and jewelry 
Pa had given Miss Sweet on her 18th birthday...
three wedding rings just didn't make right sense."

The crux of the whole misunderstanding between Miss Sweet and her Pa stemmed around that old photograph of Ma. Gets ya to wondering just what it was showing. 

Well, rumor has it she's a couple towns over...
Let's take a peek.

Did you see that whip?
Don't got to wonder where Miss Sweet gets her frisky side anymore! Whoo Whee!

No I wouldn't be wanting to bother her none. She's obviously not dressed for company so you all just move along now and appreciate your own mothers this fine day.

Did you miss the beginning of this wandering wild west story?
Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IVPart VPart VI.1Part VI.2Part VIIPart VIIIPart IXPart XPart XIPart XIIPart XIII


Love the whip and the ruffles. Just don't whip yourself in the eye!

Hum, but would an eye patch add to the danger?

Hmm, I swear I've seen Ol' Ma Sweet down at the Parlor. Course I could be mistaken.

She most likely gits 'round but I reckon you woulda remembered right clear if you had anything to do with 'er.

Hmm, reckon I would too, a fine looking woman like that. Hell, I bet she gives as good as she gets.

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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...

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