"Matthew Beier’s debut novel tells the intimate story of two people bound by the force of life itself as they set out to protect their unborn child and find value for themselves in a world that has rendered them worthless. This rainbow-tinted reflection of our own society--part political satire and part dystopian thriller--is a novel you won’t want to miss."Chapter one sucked me in. The writing is smooth. The story intriguing. The alternative viewpoint makes you wonder. I can feel her fear, her confusion. Though it was so dramatically intense and laden with possibilities that I opted not to take it to the couch with me for my even unwind - because I was relatively sure it would not be a relaxing read.
I'm struggling to understand why I'm struggling to progress through the first few chapters of this book. My trepidation stems from reading about a parent that has prejudices so strong they undermine their love for their child. That was never love, but simply love for the idea of a child.
This dystopian novel turns social norms on their head for an interpretation of dictatorship that simply pretends at democracy as the leaders in power push through their ideals and destroy all dissenters.
Well written with a juggling point of view, each chapter switches from Him to Her with occasional flashbacks to add backstory.
I had trouble reading it consistently only because of the premonition of horrible things. If character development had been a little bit stronger, I suspect I would not have been able to put it down.
Be prepared to be appalled and horrified while slightly hopeful. Highly recommend reading with an OPEN MINDED reading group as there are a TON of talking points relating to politics, sexuality, morality, and family.
If you love dystopians and have an open mind, this is for you. Happy reading! ~ Miranda
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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...