Brutal, dirty and straight from the mouth of that little devil on your shoulder.
The Cure by MC Foley
Los Angeles. 2012. After a beaten-down, sickly cog visits a faith healer, she develops a dark wish fulfillment power that stokes her appetite for sex and vigilante-style revenge.Kindle edition available or you can Follow the fans on Facebook
"The illness, the one that almost killed me, or almost killed my soul, was also the thing that brought me here. A new home in my City of Angels. Heads on stakes. Enemies impaled. All of this revenge surrounding what used to elude me - Power. Until now. One visit to the bird streets and everything changed. They say absolute power corrupts. Absolutely. Yes, it does."
Splashes of dark humor. Adults only.
My Review
This quick read is sure to grab your attention and DRAG you into the darkness. Beware the increased leverage that devil on your shoulder will have for the duration of this story.
Savage violence paired with disreputable sex made me cringe at work, prompting me to hide in my car while reading on my lunch break.
"Through the wall, I can hear quiet moaning, a bit of gurgling and heaving, choking and spitting up. This continues for a few minutes and, as it does, I feel polar emotions of anxiety and thrill. The anxiety, however, quickly passes. In my gut, I know I forced it there. Because the truth is... "
pg 112
This is just the beginning, easily a set up for a series. I encourage you to embrace this dirty indulgence just in time for Halloween!
Hmmm, not too sure this is a book for me...
No romance, no sweetness, a tiny bit of kindness, lots of bad bad deeds.
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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...