Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)


Raphael is back again as our sexy Contest Bartender.
I think I am feeling sleepy, time to go back to bed!

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
TWO book titles you could win with an extra WTF link (NSFW)!

*Click the titles to enter*

Selfish is the Heart that Poison Kissed with lips red and bloody and screaming WTF!

* Dear Author is celebrating National Coming Out Day with a week of Giveaways HERE.
* Win some fun swag in time for Halloween HERE.


Oh wow, okay I'm staying in bed... Screw him, I mean work.... Screw work, I'm staying in bed!!!!

He's cute!

Not sure if you've read them, but Ally Blue's giving away a set of Bay City Paranormal Investigations books! Awesome series.

Cecile - I'm pretty sure there is room for more than one in that bed. Hop in!

Chris - Thanks for the approval and the heads up!

Cecile is too funny. But I have to second her idea, definitely I'd be staying in bed. Work? What work?

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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...

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I'm Miranda and I very
v e r y   s l o w l y review
Fiction & Fantasy & Erotica