Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)


Joe is our sexy Contest Bartender.
He's relaxing his way on Columbus Day...
Thinking sexy thoughts, hence the smoke. Click his pic if you're curious.

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
THREE book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

The Duke's Night of Sin reveals his Backstage Pass to be a Double Cross.
There WILL be Retribution!

* Dear Author is celebrating National Coming Out Day with a week of Giveaways HERE.
* Win some fun swag in time for Halloween HERE.


Did you see the amazingness over at Dear Author?

I'm glad you explained why his head was smoking. I thought maybe I needed to get a fire extinguisher. Yoga boys tend to be bendy boys which are always extra fun. :-)

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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...

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I'm Miranda and I very
v e r y   s l o w l y review
Fiction & Fantasy & Erotica