Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)

Awakening the Blood
by Tara S Nichols
Amira Press Wings Series

Reeling from her recent break up, Meara ditches a Halloween party held in a cemetery at the edge of town, and seeks out the one reliable man in her life - who just happens to be a statue with large bat wings. The winged man had always intrigued her, but that just seems to go along with her other idiosyncrasies - her ability to read emotions and dream the future.

Even after years imprisoned in marble, D'iamonte can feel and see everything that goes on around him. Most of the time, his encounters have been unpleasant, but when his beautiful young mortal comes calling, late on Halloween, he is surprised and pleased that she feels bold enough to crawl into his lap and have her way with him.

Neither of them expects him to wake up.

Cover Art: Low quality images, Unnecessary nudity, Strong typography, Good use of series identification*

Paranormality: Gypsies, Vampires, Ghouls

Sexuality: M/F, PDA

This is a relatively short story/novella that had me entranced. A shockingly erotic beginning morphs into a quick succession of odd and slightly disturbing. I look forward to seeing further development of these characters in the future.

Visit AUTHOR and have a look for yourself OR Read an EXCERPT courtesy of Amira Press

Thank you very much to Erotic Romantic Crush Junkies! Their frequent contests allowed me to win this ebook and continues to introduce me to new authors!

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* I'm a graphic artist. We are trained to be vicious bloodsucking weapons of truth, hence the "rough" critiques/reviews. It's not that I don't like this novel. Simply, everything can be better. And examining what could be polished allows me to learn and better MY skills.


Sounds interesting.

I have an award for you, by the way.


I finally came by to check out your site and it's awesome.

Thanks for the review. I admit I was more relieved after I read your guidelines, so I'm flattered my book made your list!

Awakening the Blood is book one in what I hope to be a three part book. I have the next two parts partially plotted but they aren't on my "to work on" priority list until after Christmas. That's when I figure I'll throw full steam ahead into this one.

Thanks again,


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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...

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