Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)


We're stripping down here at
SVZ Book Reviews.

That's right. Just look on over at the side bar and you will see smooth skin. *wink*

Cleaning out the clutter around here.

Organizing myself and my outlets.

Throughout the day I'll be rearranging stuff, trying new things out, prioritizing...

Comment with any suggestions or complaints!


Freaky silver boy is still there! Eeep!

He'll be leaving shortly to be hidden away in my own personal dungeon (AKA Tumblr)

Spring cleaning? :)

Lily - Yupper! I'm on a rollllll

I'm doing the same to my house. Hard work!

But it feels sooooo good when you're done!

Looking good over here.

Um... I want to see the freaky silver boy... I don't see him. What's a freaky silver boy?

Ohhhhh, freaky silver boy. Found him. He is freaky. Nice dungeon you have there. :)

Thanks Amara! Glad you like the Tumblr!

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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...

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Sweet Vernal Zephyr All I Want And More Amara's Place Welcome to the porch Stumbling Over Chaos
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Sweet Vernal Zephyr Sweet Vernal Zephyr Sweet Vernal Zephyr Sweet Vernal Zephyr Sweet Vernal Zephyr

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I'm Miranda and I very
v e r y   s l o w l y review
Fiction & Fantasy & Erotica