Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)


Wicked Wednesday at Sweet's Reading and Contest Bar
Grab a drink from the bar and join me in the comments
to chat about what you're reading today.

Jolidon is our sexy bartender today.

I'm a sucker for a barefoot man, and this one looks like he can dance too!

The Contest sideBar is updated week-daily. Today's additions include:

via the Contact link at All Romance ebooks

**TODAY** Comment to enter at Love Musings

**TODAY** Comment to enter at Shayla Black's Blog

4/1 Drop Dead Line - Comment to enter at Dirty Sexy Books

4/6 Drop Dead Line - Comment to enter at Stumbling Over Chaos

5/5 Drop Dead Line - Comment+ to enter at Rayment's Reading, Rants and Ramblings


Good Luck!


*a mug of steaming irish coffee tempts her lips*

Last night I got sucked into Too Keen by AKM Miles... I'm only to page 24 and already a myriad of crazy crap has gone down!

I finished Hide Out by Katie Allen last night. Whew, smoking hot. Great read.

Jolidon can bring me my coffee in person no?

*Jolidon's bare feet pad across the hardwood floor towards Tam*

Hot and dark, darling? Or would you like a little cream in your coffee?


Oh wow... Okay, I love a bare footed man.. and one that can dance, with style and grace... Jolidon seems like he can move like a panther... Oh yummmmmmm...

I will take my coffee, dark, hot, and sweet..

*Jolidon leans next to Cecile*

One lump or two, sugar?

I finished Downtime by Tamara Allen last night - it was excellent!

Chris, Sweet! Have you read anything my Ms. Allen before?

Yummy! Love a barefooted man. Thanks for the promo for my contest!

I just finished reading Castoffs by Angela Fiddler. It was an ok first book in a vampire series.

I've been sick for the past two days and can't get rid of my fever today. Can Jolidon bring me some tea with honey? Please :)

*a warm hand brushes across Lily's forehead as Jolidon sets the tea tray in front of them*

And what kind of tea would bring a smile to your face dear? I suggest peppermint... soothing with just a hint of bite.

*he smiles and casually rests his arm across her chair back*

Lily, Just "ok"... hum. Does that mean you will or will NOT be seeking out the rest of the series? Anything worth holding your breath over?

Jolidon, the peppermint tea was wonderful. Thanks for the back rub too. ;)

I've got all 5 of the books in my TBR so eventually I'll get to the rest. For now, I think I'll read something else.

Anything for a lady in need.
*his hands linger at her neck*
Do you NEED anything else?

Lily, I know what you mean. There are a few series that are collecting dust in my TBR pile... in favorite of hotter and more taboo literature ;)

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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...

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Fiction & Fantasy & Erotica