Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)

This book is (was? I better check!) sitting on my shelf waiting for me to clear off a good chunk of a month to read it. The Count de Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

This article, Agony of Empathy, might just raise it a few more steps up the stacks on my TBR pile!

...although the heft of it makes my wrists tremble, I read anxiously and stay up late and resent any and all intrusions. 
Why is this torture device disguised as a book such a time-honored classic? I quake with sympathy for the original readers who had to read this in serial form, waiting in suspense for each new installment, unaware of the conclusion.

Thanks, Christina Lay, for prodding me to take the time and read some books for leisure once in a while.


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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...

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