Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)


* * * * Welcome to the Contest Bar * * * *

Avi Dar will be serving us today...

Dirty martinis on the bartender oops, I mean the house!


The Contest sideBar is updated week-daily. Today's additions include:

Roxanne Rhodes backlist title
Comment about the New Year at Fang-tastic Books
Help Roxanne get to 500 followers!

Good Luck


OH wow... Ummm... Do you need help with anything down there... I mean, I am just asking, in case you need some assistance.

Wow... he can have his way with me any day... I mean I can have my martini on him any day... I mean I want to have my martini on him... OH hell... You know what I mean, lmbo!!!

Sweetness!! I hope you have an awesome New Year Eve's Night!!!!

Hey Sweet you won over at Blanche's place!!!! Congrats honey!

Oh my, Thanks for the heads up Cecile and ditto on the very dirty martinis... yum yum

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Thanks so much for delving into my head. It's scary in here sometimes, so it is nice to have company! Don't step on the zephyr...

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Sweet Vernal Zephyr All I Want And More Amara's Place Welcome to the porch Stumbling Over Chaos
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Sweet Vernal Zephyr Sweet Vernal Zephyr Sweet Vernal Zephyr Sweet Vernal Zephyr Sweet Vernal Zephyr

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I'm Miranda and I very
v e r y   s l o w l y review
Fiction & Fantasy & Erotica