Sweet Vernal Zephyr

Succinct Book Reviews
(aka Creating & Whit)

My Pet, Murderer
Based on the comments during the Thrilling and Threatening Contest Bar on June 24th.
I've done the polishing, but my followers helped create the story. Thanks guys!

Keys jangling, Murderer opened up Sweet's Bar for business. Not his usual gig, that's for sure. He preferred dark, dank and dangerous. Glancing around he supposed there were a few dark corners, and perhaps it was a bit dank back by the john. Dangerous, guess that was where he came in.

He slid the keys into his pocket and moved over to the bar. Sweet had already prepped for the day, he just needed to handle whoever walked through the door. Still in his work clothes, he hadn't given himself enough time to change into a set of shirts. Actually, Dante hadn't given him enough time. Murderer had planned on finishing him off late last night. Unfortunately, that cannibalistic piece of work had forced him to extend his timeline and cut it close with Sweet's favor.

Glancing down at his graffitied tee, he swiftly buttoned up his long sleeve and rolled up the cuffs. A nice scrub in the bar sink would get rid of the blood under his nails and clean up his cuticles all at the same time. Presentable, at the least.

While grooming, he heard the bar bell clink as the front door opened. He turned around to find two women standing at the far end of the bar, reading the Specials board. Sweet had left her regulars a message in curling pink chalk.

"Murderer will be your sexy bartender today, while I am out of town. Be good for the nice man."

Her signature was signed in a slash across the bottom, the tail of the S cutting across to crucify the T.

Turning from the chalkboard, Chris leaned into Lily and remarked, "Hmmm. He doesn't look nice at all, actually."

Lily blanched a pale shade of yellowish pink and murmured in response, "I think I'll pass on ordering anything today."

Her smile was forced as she tugged on Chris's hand and lead them to a booth as far away from the bar, and Murderer, as physically possible.

Rue tightened his grin, he was used to being feared but usually after he had done something to deserve it.

Murderer finished drying his hands on the bar towel and turned to fully face them. Their whispering predictably stopped, but Chris's comment still rung in his ears. He didn't look nice? Well then, he shouldn't act nice either. Wouldn't want to rock their safe little world with contradictions.

Time to add the danger.


The ladies were silently eyeballing him as if he were the entertainment. Sven didn't show up for at least another hour, but he figured he would give them a show. Show them what he was all about and earn himself a nice whiff of fresh female fear pheromones while he was at it.

Menace in his step, a smile sewn to his lips, he slowly unbuttoned his long sleeved over shirt to reveal nightmares underneath.

Silver flashed as the weight of his favorite torture instruments caused the material to sway and part.

Reveled was a testament to last night's hours of boredom holed up beneath a sadistic bastard's porch. An ominous message was still scrawled across his chest in dried blood.

That bastard had been discarding half eaten corpses into the dirt like throwing scraps to a dog. But the timing had not been right, and he was forced to wait. It pays to get creative in situations like that, otherwise you tend to lose the sane side of your mind, bite by bite.

The personalized t-shirt design was his nod to sanity, though he was sure it appeared the direct opposite to these lovely barflies.

Twin gasps echoed across the bar from the far corner booth creating a disturbing harmony with the clink of door bell.

He inhaled the spicy scent of terror and watched as a new toy entered his box. This lovely regular quickly took in the odd situation, taking the time to assess his tools and his shirt.

He could see her lips moving as she read the scratched brown graffiti across his chest. "IF YOU ARE READING THIS IT MEANS YOU ARE A BAD PERSON AND ARE ABOUT TO DIE"

Backing up slowly from the bar door she had just entered, Cecile glanced outside as if double checking the neon bar sign. Her hand remained perched on the jam as she peeked back inside at his aggressive display.

Seemingly deciding not to play, she took a step back and bumped right into Miss Sweet.


Sweet grabbed Cecile's shoulder to steady her and glanced inside the bar Her eyes honed in on Murderer.

"What the?! Murderer, I told you to watch the bar for me NOT scare away all my patrons."

Moving around the frozen Cecile, Sweet walked up to Murderer and smacked him on the back of the head.

"Close your shirt! Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD."

Rubbing the back of his head with one hand, he re-buttoned his shirt and looked around the room at the trio of wide eyed patrons then back to the smoldering Sweet.

"What? They're ALIVE aren't they?"

One bushy eyebrow rose to clash with a mess of brown hair flopped forward into his eyes, evidence of Sweet's former head smack.

With a shake of her own head, Sweet chastised him further.

"Good thing I came back into town early. At just what point would you have gotten bored with simply terrorizing the guests and started physical assaults?"

She knows about his pheromone addition, but usually doesn't care. Could she possibly be protecting her bar patrons?

Walking up to him, she poked a long purple finger nail into his chest. With her black leather boots on, she was actually almost eye level with him. And those eyes are positively sparkling with fury.

"I expected better of you. What happened to your control?" she demands in a low tone.

Mimicking her stance, he placed a blunt fingertip tight against her heart. "I was exercising control, Miss Sweet." With a heavy mocking emphasis on Miss.


"You trusted me to watch the bar, and here I am. Clean hands and all. See, no blood."

Murderer's comment was meant to draw Miss Sweet's attention to his finger and its precariously close placement to her breast. Her eyes flickered downward.

His breath whispered against her face as he quietly asked "Have I violated that trust?"

She was strongly aware of all eyes in the bar focused on them and the rare chance she had to put him off his game, especially since he was messing with hers. This sudden bout of sexual tension had her torn between a seductive "here kitty, kitty" or pulling this savage tiger's tail.

She decided to reply in a soothing whisper, "Violation? Not yet..." and then grabbed the shirt under her still pointing finger to pull him in for a scorching kiss.

Breaking it off after only a short few teasing seconds, she whirled away and stalked behind the bar. Careful to keep her smirk out of Murderer's line of vision, she allowed herself only a few brief seconds of gloating.

With an icy smile she turned and made eye contact as she taunted him further, "But now, I am done with you, MISTER Murderer. Thank you for your services. The check is in the mail."

10 long seconds he looked stunned, crimson slashed across his mouth and lust shining in his eyes.

The bar patrons held their breath, waiting for his rage to erupt. Instead, he released a deep harsh laugh and pulled a pristine white handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe his mouth.

"It was my pleasure, Miss Sweet. But I do believe I will stay for a while."

It was his turn to gloat at her shocked expression as he slid into a corner booth with a view of the door and the crowd.

Across the bar the crowd was starting to loosen up as the tension dropped down a few notches. Lily caught Miss Sweet's eye and ordered a drink.

"Hmm, now that the bartender is looking sexy and not like he's about to chop someone's head off... Can I have a Margarita? It's 5 o'clock somewhere and it's my day off."

Her good humor, as she settled back into her seat next to Chris, seemed to trigger Miss Sweet’s as well. The bar owner grinned an overly vicious smile as she turned on the blender and crushed fresh ice.

“Coming right up, Lily!”

Despite the exuberant charade, she wasn't concentrating on the frosty tropical drink at all. Her attention was focused on the tiger in the corner, 2 yards back and to her right.


As the liquor began to flow, the tension in the bar dropped even more. The threat of violence was only a twinkle in Miss Sweet's eye.

Cecile finally deemed it safe to reenter the bar and strolled up to the counter and Miss Sweet who was still viciously crushing ice for more margaritas.

"Damn. I know we like our men dangerous but trying to kill me is another thing all together." Cecile leaned against the polished hardwood in a painfully forced attempt at nonchalance. Her body almost vibrated with caution, or was it adrenaline?

Miss Sweet gave her a knowing smile. "His leash is on, Cecile darlink. His muzzle, well, that is another story." She threw Murderer a warning glance. "If he wants to live to spend that paycheck, he will behave."

Another harsh laugh came from the corner booth Murderer was lounging in, boots propped on a stool, knife carving designs in the hardwood table.

He yelled over to the bar, "Hey Mistress," and grinned when Miss Sweet flinched at the nickname. "Wanna crush my ice? I'm in the mood for a margarita too."

Waving a hand in his direction, she grumbled to herself. "Carving my tabletops is barely behaving. I should have left his ass in that sling over at Dante's. Too bad he's such a devilishly good—" Turning on the blender she seemed to smile to herself.

Intrigued by Miss Sweet's mumbling and Murderer's "Mistress" taunt, Cecile slid into the booth across the curve from him. Not too close.

Deciding to do a little taunting herself, she propped her 5 inch purple heels up on the table and pushed her skirt up a bit at the slit. Taking her knife out the holder, the one that fits snug on her inner thigh, she started cleaning her finger nails.

Thirty-seconds into the display she could feel the weight of his attention shift from the scarification of the table top to her. "What, Murderer? Never seen a woman do it too." It was a statement, not a question.

"You know, if you look closely enough, some of your toys are already strapped to my thigh. I own my own." She smiled a decidedly evil grin and watched Murderer's eyes light up with interest.

Miss Sweet intervened. Trailing her purple nails over Cecile's matching pumps, she murmured "You're flashing your satin, Cecile." and leaned in between both sets of feet scuffing the table to place another fruity umbrella drink in front of Cecile and an equally as froo-froo looking margarita at Murderer's elbow.

"Murderer, darlkink. Be kind to the table, you don't want to get splinters in your tight little ass later."

With a flip of his wrist, the tip of his knife deflowered the emasculating margarita garnish. The tiny paper umbrella landed on the table between them all, pink and perky and completely unaware of the tension coiling tightly around the animate objects in the room.

"You know, if it comes to that Mistress, a lot more than your table will be showing signs of a fight." He slid the knife back into his pocket and began spinning his glass.

After a moment he met her gaze with a deceptively sweet smile. "But that's what you're hoping for, now. Isn't it?"

Miss Sweet didn't get the chance to respond to Murderer's saccharine challenge. Cecile fought the urge to stake her own claim on Miss Sweet, and lost that internal struggle.


The bar observed the threesome in the corner, a perfect mimicry of the "live studio audience". At least until thirst got the best of them.

Lily called out from her stool, "Things sure are getting hot in here! Umm, can I just have another Margarita, please?"

Hearing Lily, Miss Sweet glanced over Cecile's shoulder to reply. "Lily, darlkink. I'm afraid you will have to serve yourself but the margaritas are on the house. I'm pretty sure I left some in the blender. Enjoy, the drinks and the show it seems." With a smile she managed to reach around Cecile and snag Murderer's margarita for a refreshing sip.

Cecile turned around to add,"Umm, Yeah. Sorry about that, Lily. You will have to get your own, but please stay."

Cecile turned back around to look at Miss Sweet and Murderer partially captive in front of her. Rubbing her hands together, she let slip out "Oh let's see what fun we can have with you two shall we..."

Trailing one finger nail down the shirt of Murderer, she heard a moan escape his lips. "You don't play fair, Miss Cecile," Murderer said on a raged breath.

"I never said I did, Murderer. You just assumed." Cecile kneed him a little harder, knowing his erection was providing to be to more than his tight jeans could stand.

"Uncuf me and we will see who does not play fair. I have so many toys I would love to try on you," he said with the scariest bad ass voice he could muster.

"Oh my dear. I'm afraid you will have to be creative as you are. I know most of my toys are itching to come out and play with you." Cecile cast a glance over to Sweet, who was sipping on her margarita and looking very innocent. Correction. Murderer's margarita.

She noticed a drop of liquid threatening to drop from Miss Sweet's lips. Without forethought of the danger, Cecile licked up the drop with the tip of her tongue, then traced the outline of Miss Sweet's lip with the alcohol still tangy on her tongue.

Miss Sweet moaned loudly enough to be heard by everyone who was in the bar and when she opened her eyes they had taken on a darker color, lust filled.

Murderer growled deep, he wanted to be in the middle of this. He did not want to be ignored. He rattled his cuff a bit louder. His Mistress Sweet was being enticed by Cecile ON HIS LAP and voyeurism was soo not his thing.

As soon as Cecile raised her head from Miss Sweet's mouth, he snuck his free hand around to bury it deep within the hair at her nape. A small tug brought a squeak from Cecile's lips and stretched her neck into a most delightfully vulnerable arc.

"I do believe you are a novice to this game, Miss Cecile. Why else would you have left us with the use of one of our hands?" He wiggled his fingers in her hair to emphasize his point and felt her pulse increase under his palm.

Seeing a situation prime for the taking, Miss Sweet placed the margarita on the table. With a downright evil smile she tangled her chained fingers with Murderer's. A silent reward and signal of her approval.

"Miss Cecile, I do believe you were flaunting some rather impressive toys under your skirt earlier." Her fingers, cool from the prolonged contact with the margarita glass, trailed up Cecile's inner thigh. Making short work of the leather sheath, Miss Sweet soon had Cecile's flashy black blade in her hand.

"Ah yes, hardened steel. Very sharp, but very brittle. Perhaps like you? Do we need to be gentle with you Miss Cecile? Do you know just who you have gotten yourself involved with?"

Miss Sweet lightly ran the very tip of the blade up to Cecile's neck and leisurely traced that gorgeous creamy arc. "This blade does look stunning against your skin. Don't you agree, Murderer?"

Murderer's answer dripped with honey and malice. "I do believe it is one of the most beautiful things I have seen, though a splash of bright red would surely round out the contrasting color palette" His breathing started to pant as Miss Sweet continued to trace patterns on Cecile's throat. The scratch of her nails mimicked the threat to Cecile's throat on his chained palm.

"Your wish…" Miss Sweet leaned forward towards Cecile's neck.

With careful precision she applied gentle pressure with her lips, kissing blade and skin. She lifted her head to inspect her work.

"Beautiful. Black, white and red."

Murderer's eyes tracked Cecile's chest as it heaved, either in relief or excitement, in the aftermath of Miss Sweet's kiss. With a slight twist of his wrist, he coaxed Cecile to meet his gaze.

"Strikingly beautiful." He murmured, and he placed a quick biting kiss on top of Miss Sweet's lipstick.

Black, white and crimson, the color of Miss Sweet's lipstick. Cecile grabbed Murderer's hand tangled at the back of her head and a moan slid past her lush lips. The building heat was evident on the thighs of Miss Sweet and Murderer.

Cecile leaned into the blade a little harder, pressing it under her chin. She watched as the pulse on Miss Sweet's throat beat a little quicker and could feel Murderer's hard-on get a little harder (if that was possible).

"I see my loves like it a little rough. Shall I take off the cuffs and we can really go play?"

Suddenly, the blade disappeared into Miss Sweet's leather bodice and Cecile's mouth was devoured as BOTH of Murderer's arms wrapped around her and lifted her up off the menage lap. Miss Sweet ran her hands idly over Murderer and Cecile's entwined bodies.

"Did you really think a pair of cuffs could restrain my pet Murderer for long? Really Cecile, darlkink. I think we should move this little tete a tete to the back room."

Miss Sweet circled them, her hands wandering and fondling, and whispered in his ear. "Murderer, bring her." 


The Friday 56 is a weekly bookish meme
Hosted by Storytime with Tonya and Friends.

• Grab the book CLOSEST to you.
• Share the 5th sentence on the 56th page.
• Note the title and author
• Link back

THE 4th & 5th SENTENCE

Of course I cried; I was eight and I had already planned that Tomoko and her family would adopt me. My mother of course saw clean into the marrow of those dreams, and laughed.

~ page 56, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

Did it pique your interest?

April is our sexy Contest Bartender.
Honey, you're scaring the children with that mask.

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
TWO book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

Even the Strength of a Gamma could not restore April's flesh, 
it was surely Beyond Eden Strong's witchy abilities.

Gruesome and strangely believable.

Abraham Lincoln,
Vampire Hunter

by Seth Grahame-Smith

Indiana, 1818. Moonlight falls through the dense woods that surround a one-room cabin where a nine-year-old Abraham Lincoln kneels at his dying mother's bedside. Only later will the grieving Abe learn that his mother's fatal affliction was actually the work of a vampire. Gifted with his legendary height, strength, and skill with an ax, Abe sets out on a path of vengeance that will lead him all the way to the White House.

My review guidelines can be found HERE.


• Perfect. The sepia tone fits the era, and the slash of red suggests the terror. Ok, so maybe the dead head suggests terror.


• Vampires


• Current Day 2000s
• 1800s through the Civil War


• Horrifying acts of violence, that if you take the time to picture them in your head, you will surely feel your stomach role. These vampires are not romanticized.

• The break down and numbering of sections and parts was confusing, especially in audio book format.

• It appears that the printed book has photographs as well. That is a sad thing to miss with the audio book. It would have been nice to have an insert of photos to go with the cds, kind of like a lyrics booklet.

• Edgar Allen Poe pops up as a devil's advocate type of character. He becomes a friend of Abe and I really enjoyed their interactions.

• Civil War photographer Alexander Gardner shows up in a small cameo. The common practice of arranging dead bodies for a better photograph was surprisingly not mentioned. This would have fit in perfectly with the tone of the story.

• The story starts out in modern day America but never comes back around. That was one major flaw for my reading pleasure.

• Would probably be even more fun to listen to if I had paid attention in history class. It did drag at times, but nothing that would make me stop listening.

• Great read especially just in time for Halloween. The integration of vampires into our nations history was amazingly seamless. Highly recommended for history buffs with a sense of humor.

Read about the young hunter in this excerpt (under the Features tab) HERE.

Looks like this is going to be made into a move in 2011, according to this article.

I received this book through a contest on Bookin' With Bingo. Thanks Again!

Did you review this book too?
Comment with your link!

Stella is our sexy Contest Bartender.
Psst... your mammary papillas is showing.

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
FOUR book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

The Westfield Brothers couldn't resist Stella's Feral scent
Their Fearless Desires would tame the beast and satisfy their River of Need!

Costume's of Halloweens Past

Let us start way back when,
I was a young girl and my mother encouraged my flights of fantasy...

Complete with homemade staff, vintage dress,
and lots of bling including a bat wing ring.

Working on my sexy scary look here.
And yes, that shirt IS sheer, the knife IS real and, those pants ARE pleather.
My mom was cool.

Senior year (note the class ring)
I was too old to trick or treat,
but I certainly could hover over my younger siblings in some semblance of a bodyguard.

Time to move on to college. When I didn't realize how hot I was!

LUCIUS: Half human, Half lizard.
(Starring in the dorm basement haunted house)
Yes, this costume stemmed from my amazing long tongue.

Now I'm all grown up and have to go to work every day. But, luckily, my job is fun! And we can dress up on Halloween if we want.

The first year I dressed up for work.
I kept it tame.

Still tame, with photoshop effects added for drama.

Amazingly easy AND convincing.
You DON'T want to meet me when I haven't had coffee.

For my personal Halloween parties, I get a little more into the costumes. It's always a big bash with lots of food and fun. ;)

No, I didn't see the movie or read the book.
But my brother sent me the outfit from Japan!
And yes, I torture my pets with costumes every year too.

I was feeling nostalgic to my childhood.
That's my sister dressed as Betty Paige. Isn't she GORGEOUS?!

  A COP (Last year)
Has my sexy scary look gotten any better from when I was a kid?

What my cop costume looked like in my head. *wink*

I missed a few, but you get the idea.
What are YOU going to be for Halloween?!

Katie is our sexy Contest Bartender.
Look at those lovely femurs!

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
FOUR book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

Her Guardian was a Misguided Angel and knew her deepest, darkest secret. 
She was a Stormwalker and Wanted, Undead or Alive.

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme
Hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading

• Open your current read to a random page
• Share two “teaser” sentences sans spoilers
• Note the title and author


I definitely wasn’t in the mood to mess with one of the tiniest demons-slash-faeries around.

The imp spread a mischievous grin across his face and danced around me, naked and flashing every part of his body.

~ page 131, I Married a Demon by Beverly Rae

I read this a couple weeks back. 

No review, but a great big thanks to Melissa Schroeder for hosting the giveaway that I won!

Are you feeling teased?

Jenny is our sexy Contest Bartender.
Such an innocent pose.

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
Three book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

Staying just on the Edge of Sight, the Mistress of Nowhere Ranch gave them all Vampire Kisses and butterfly hugs.

Vintage sweetness from old misunderstanding sail right into your heart.

A Black Tie Affair
by Sherrill Bodine


Fashion curator Athena Smith will do anything to get her perfectly manicured hands on the Clayworth family's celebrated couture collection for her exhibit. So when she's called in to make sure the gowns are the real deal, she's ecstatic...until a dress she's examining turns out to be loaded with toxins (talk about killer threads!) and Athena faints, only to wake up face-to-face with the One That Got Away, notorious Chicago bachelor Drew Clayworth.

Drew still believes Athena betrayed him all those years ago, and he's sure he can't trust her. But when the priceless gowns go missing, she offers to help track them down. Reluctantly allied in the quest, Drew and Athena are soon stunned by the barely restrained passion still sizzling between them...and memories both bitter and sweet. Is their new partnership just a business arrangement? Or is this something more than...


My review guidelines can be found HERE.


• I really think that should be a black dress on the cover, the first vintage dress she collected. Reminds me of the scene where they dance in the museum, alone.


• I put this book down for a couple days when I THOUGHT that time travel had been thrown in. Not the case, thank goodness.

• Greek Mythology references


• M/F, old feelings fight for a chance to florish
• Make out sessions; in a closet, in a yacht...

• Extended innings, not described in detail.

• Inspired by a true story about a museum curator being poisoned by a vintage Dior dress!

• This story has a lot of key elements for me: Vintage clothing and accessories (I love this stuff), Sailing (I grew up on a sailboat), and candy!

• Misunderstandings seems to be a theme along with a bit of sleuthing. 

• The sisters are tight, they way I would want my siblings to be. 

• Athena's backstory relationship with her father is strangely similar with mine with my mother in adolescence. I told her everything!

• Limited plot development with predictable twists. 

• Conflict resolved much too quickly in relation to the anticipation.

• Luke-warm sex scenes.

• Open-ended epilouge. Leaves room for a few sequels and a continuation of the story line that should have been resolved in this story.

Sweet fast and comfortable. A nice change from my usual complicated and dramatic urban fantasy novels. And a lot less blood too!

Read an Upskirt Tuesday Teaser HERE.

Read an Eyecandy Tuesday Teaser HERE.

Read a "charming" excerpt HERE.

I received this book through a contest at Books and Needlepoint. Thanks again, Kristi!

Did you review this book too?
Comment with your link!

Lisa is our sexy Contest Bartender.
Don't you just love her shoes?!

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
TWO book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

Her Cattitude was a natural defense for Yesterday's Indiscretion.

Sweet's Halloween Treats Swag Contest
is over.

Zeb would like to offer,
Congratulations to the following winners.
I've emailed you.



Sullivan McPig

Susmita Shahjahan

Enjoy! See you Monday for Halloween Week at Sweet Vernal Zephyr's!

Welcome to Saturday Serials

Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part VPart VI

Today we wrap it up with the Finale of "My Pet, Murderer"

Based on the comments during the Thrilling and Threatening Contest Bar on June 24th.
I've done the polishing, but my followers helped create the story. Thanks guys!

The bar observed the threesome in the corner, a perfect mimicry of the "live studio audience". At least until thirst got the best of them.

Lily called out from her stool, "Things sure are getting hot in here! Umm, can I just have another Margarita, please?"

Hearing Lily, Miss Sweet glanced over Cecile's shoulder to reply. "Lily, darlkink. I'm afraid you will have to serve yourself but the margaritas are on the house. I'm pretty sure I left some in the blender. Enjoy, the drinks and the show it seems." With a smile she managed to reach around Cecile and snag Murderer's margarita for a refreshing sip.

Cecile turned around to add,"Umm, Yeah. Sorry about that, Lily. You will have to get your own, but please stay."

Cecile turned back around to look at Miss Sweet and Murderer partially captive in front of her. Rubbing her hands together, she let slip out "Oh let's see what fun we can have with you two shall we..."

Trailing one finger nail down the shirt of Murderer, she heard a moan escape his lips. "You don't play fair, Miss Cecile," Murderer said on a raged breath.

"I never said I did, Murderer. You just assumed." Cecile kneed him a little harder, knowing his erection was providing to be to more than his tight jeans could stand.

"Uncuf me and we will see who does not play fair. I have so many toys I would love to try on you," he said with the scariest bad ass voice he could muster.

"Oh my dear. I'm afraid you will have to be creative as you are. I know most of my toys are itching to come out and play with you." Cecile cast a glance over to Sweet, who was sipping on her margarita and looking very innocent. Correction. Murderer's margarita.

She noticed a drop of liquid threatening to drop from Miss Sweet's lips. Without forethought of the danger, Cecile licked up the drop with the tip of her tongue, then traced the outline of Miss Sweet's lip with the alcohol still tangy on her tongue.

Miss Sweet moaned loudly enough to be heard by everyone who was in the bar and when she opened her eyes they had taken on a darker color, lust filled.

Murderer growled deep, he wanted to be in the middle of this. He did not want to be ignored. He rattled his cuff a bit louder. His Mistress Sweet was being enticed by Cecile ON HIS LAP and voyeurism was soo not his thing.

As soon as Cecile raised her head from Miss Sweet's mouth, he snuck his free hand around to bury it deep within the hair at her nape. A small tug brought a squeak from Cecile's lips and stretched her neck into a most delightfully vulnerable arc.

"I do believe you are a novice to this game, Miss Cecile. Why else would you have left us with the use of one of our hands?" He wiggled his fingers in her hair to emphasize his point and felt her pulse increase under his palm.

Seeing a situation prime for the taking, Miss Sweet placed the margarita on the table. With a downright evil smile she tangled her chained fingers with Murderer's. A silent reward and signal of her approval.

"Miss Cecile, I do believe you were flaunting some rather impressive toys under your skirt earlier." Her fingers, cool from the prolonged contact with the margarita glass, trailed up Cecile's inner thigh. Making short work of the leather sheath, Miss Sweet soon had Cecile's flashy black blade in her hand.

"Ah yes, hardened steel. Very sharp, but very brittle. Perhaps like you? Do we need to be gentle with you Miss Cecile? Do you know just who you have gotten yourself involved with?"

Miss Sweet lightly ran the very tip of the blade up to Cecile's neck and leisurely traced that gorgeous creamy arc. "This blade does look stunning against your skin. Don't you agree, Murderer?"

Murderer's answer dripped with honey and malice. "I do believe it is one of the most beautiful things I have seen, though a splash of bright red would surely round out the contrasting color palette" His breathing started to pant as Miss Sweet continued to trace patterns on Cecile's throat. The scratch of her nails mimicked the threat to Cecile's throat on his chained palm.

"Your wish…" Miss Sweet leaned forward towards Cecile's neck.

With careful precision she applied gentle pressure with her lips, kissing blade and skin. She lifted her head to inspect her work.

"Beautiful. Black, white and red."

Murderer's eyes tracked Cecile's chest as it heaved, either in relief or excitement, in the aftermath of Miss Sweet's kiss. With a slight twist of his wrist, he coaxed Cecile to meet his gaze.

"Strikingly beautiful." He murmured, and he placed a quick biting kiss on top of Miss Sweet's lipstick.

Black, white and crimson, the color of Miss Sweet's lipstick. Cecile grabbed Murderer's hand tangled at the back of her head and a moan slid past her lush lips. The building heat was evident on the thighs of Miss Sweet and Murderer.

Cecile leaned into the blade a little harder, pressing it under her chin. She watched as the pulse on Miss Sweet's throat beat a little quicker and could feel Murderer's hard-on get a little harder (if that was possible).

"I see my loves like it a little rough. Shall I take off the cuffs and we can really go play?"

Suddenly, the blade disappeared into Miss Sweet's leather bodice and Cecile's mouth was devoured as BOTH of Murderer's arms wrapped around her and lifted her up off the menage lap. Miss Sweet ran her hands idly over Murderer and Cecile's entwined bodies.

"Did you really think a pair of cuffs could restrain my pet Murderer for long? Really Cecile, darlkink. I think we should move this little tete a tete to the back room."

Miss Sweet circled them, her hands wandering and fondling, and whispered in his ear. "Murderer, bring her."

Thanks for following the story of My Pet, Murderer! 
Next Saturday I will post it in its entirety.

Have a great weekend!

The Friday 56 is a weekly bookish meme
Hosted by Storytime with Tonya and Friends.

• Grab the book CLOSEST to you.
• Share the 5th sentence on the 56th page.
• Note the title and author
• Link back


"Patrick Hepburn is related to you?" Cat asked, surprised.

"I suppose he must be."

~ page 56, Insatiable by Virginia Henley

Ms Henley is an old favorite of mine and a coworker just happened to give me this book yesterday!

The sentence is a little vague, but did it peak your interest?

Our bartenders prefer anonymity today.
Go ahead boys, indulge your inner darkness.

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
FOUR book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

They appear to play A Deadly Game, but those closest to them know the truth. Ethan's Freedom depends on winning Elliot's War at Dudleytown.

Mr. Sykes and the Firefly: A strangled lust story.

Wicked Gentlemen
Part 1: Mr. Sykes and the Firefly
by Ginn Hale

Belimai Sykes is many things: a Prodigal, the descendant of ancient demons, a creature of dark temptations and rare powers. He is also a man with a brutal past and a dangerous addiction.

And Belimai Sykes is the only man Captain William Harper can turn to when faced with a series of grisly murders.

But Mr. Sykes does not work for free and the price of Belimai’s company will cost Captain Harper far more than his reputation.

From the ornate mansions of noblemen, where vivisection and sorcery are hidden beneath a veneer of gold, to the steaming slums of Hells Below, Captain Harper must fight for justice and for his life.

His enemies are many and his only ally is a devil he knows too well. Such are the dangers of dealing with the wicked.

My review guidelines can be found HERE.

• Indie feel, with beautiful illustration

• Demons

• M/M

• 1 paperback containing 2 books. The first a introduction to the cruel world while light meets dark. The second to be reviewed at a later date.

• The beautifully descriptive writing sings to me. See the first sentences below.
The night hung in tatters. Gas streetlamps chewed at the darkness. Candles cast dull halos through the dirty windows of the tenements across the street. Heavy purple clouds pumped up from smoke stacks and patterned the sky like ugly patches on a black velvet curtain. A few fireflies blinked from what corners of blackness remained.

• A dark world of where good and evil appears segregated but viciously mingles within each race.

• Oppression of the powerful by the weak to create a downtrodden and broken race of Prodigals.

• Humans cloak themselves in the robes of faith to hide the fear of darkness within their hearts.

• I enjoyed this read, a new flavor on my literary tongue. Do not be deceived by my concise review. Part II calls to me and I WILL answer the siren song, but only when I can adequately savor those fresh pages.

Read the first two chapters HERE.

Read a sentence from page 56 HERE.

I received this book from Melissa, she accidentally bought two! Whoot—Thanks again!

Did you review this book too? Comment with your link!

Only 2 more days to enter Sweet's Halloween Treats Swag Contest!

Our sexy Contest Bartenders look a bit stunned.
Yes, I did just proposition BOTH of you. *wink*

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
FOUR book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

Both Alphas were Blameless, for the Intensity of her siren call ignited Unbridled passion within them both.

Fall is my favorite time of year.

The air is crisp (and I don't have to worry about sweaty armpits),
Memories of my first love fall with random leaves,
I can play dress up and not be shunned by my coworkers,
and there is candy, lots of candy, with a very high likelihood of chocolate.

In honor of Halloween

Sweet Vernal Zephyr is giving away treats!

Zeb is our eye candy and...

Depending on the inclinations of your swag sweet tooth, 

there are five treat bag flavors:

Old Candy (Historical romance swag)
• The Duke's Night of Sin by Katheryn Caskie, ebook
• Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt, signed excerpt booklet
• The Naked Viscount by Sally MacKenzie, excerpt booklet
• Assorted bookmarks, postcards and brochures

Poison Candy (Paranormal swag)
• A Passion for the Paranormal Sampler Book, signed by Jessica Andersen
• Lucinda's Web by Dorothy Morrison, excerpt booklet
• The Marked Souls" Possessed by Jessa Slade, signed excerpt booklet
• Assorted bookmarks, postcards, brochure, cover flat and collector cards

Hot Candy (Contemporary and Erotic Romance)
• Touch Me by Susan Lyons, signed excerpt booklet
• Backstage Pass: Sinners on Tour by Olivia Cunning, excerpt booklet
• Assorted bookmarks, postcards, cover flats and brochures

Sweet Candy (Contemporary Romance)
• The Best of Friends by Susan Mallory, cover flat
• Welcome to Harmony by Jodi Thomas, bookmarks
Jewel of the Adriatic & Rose Adriatic by KM Daughters, bookmark
Meet Me in Manhattan by Judith Arnold, bookmark
Erin Nicholas, bookmark
A Virgin River Christmas by Robyn Carr, bookmark
A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick, bookmark
It Happened One Night by Lisa Dale, bookmark

Teasing Candy
A Passion for the Paranormal Sampler Book by Butcher, Holly, Day, Singh, Dodd and Andersen
Dark Days and Wicked Nights Sampler Book by James, Galenorn, Quinn, Treanor, Brook and Wright
Vampires are hot! Hide-a-cover

DROP DEAD LINE: FRIDAY, October 22nd, 2010 EST. *International*

Happy Autumn!

Only 3 more days to enter Sweet's Halloween Treats Swag Contest!

Ryan is our sexy Contest Bartender.
Can those jeans get any tighter?!

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
SIX book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

 Guarding Suzanna would be a piece of cake, especially since Ryan was Of the Panther Persuasion. The Pride and Joey SHOULD be able to keep his Ravenous sexual appetite under control. If not, he would be Branded a traitor and most likely attack Suzanna before the Ghost Hunter ever arrived.

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme
Hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading

• Open your current read to a random page
• Share two “teaser” sentences sans spoilers
• Note the title and author


All at once she saw Drew leaning over what looked like a dingy with a sail.

Muscles rippled under his blue polo shirt, and his suntanned arms flexed as he worked.

~ page 95, A Black Tie Affair by Sherrill Bodine

Are you feeling teased?

Only 4 more days to enter Sweet's Halloween Treats Swag Contest!

Ralph is back again as our sexy Contest Bartender.
I do believe I could fit right there, on his lap.
Wait. What is that snaking under his shirt? A leash?! Sweet.

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
FOUR book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

Surrendering to the Call of the Wilds
I begged Ralph to Bind Me to the Jeweled headboard 
and re-enact the Fatal Circle  amidst the Spoils Of War.

Refreshing with a pang of potential love lost.

The Ghost and the Goth
by Stacey Kade

After a close encounter with a bus, Alona Dare goes from homecoming queen to Queen of the Dead. To make matters worse, the only person who might be able to help her is Will Killian, a total loser. Can they get over their mutual distrust--and quasi attraction--to work together?
My review guidelines can be found HERE.

• Perfect!

• Ghost
• Ghost Whisperer

• YA - Kissing

• Young adult stories always fly for me. This one was no different and I enjoyed the speeding trip with only a pang or two of lust lost.

• Opposite sides of the tracks thrown into a strange partnership.

• Alona's drive was outstanding and reminded me a little of myself. I was never cheerleading captain, but I don't stop until I have what I want.

• The analysis of how to be popular was also surprising. I expected the cheerleader to get ripped up for being shallow. Instead real life skills were showcased with potential for application in the cutthroat business world where networking is key.

• Will's home life was disconcerting. I am very glad the frowny face worked because I would have been punching the couch if the psychiatrist stayed and kept his grip on mom's ear.

• Being a kid at that almost adult age is scary stuff. You are beginning to make your own decisions but don't have all the necessary life skills to be on your own. BUT parents can still take away that growing independence and make major life decisions for you.. and you've got NO SAY. *shudder* I am very glad I am an adult now. Now all I am scared of is the police. *sigh*

• The team work was awesome and the understanding across the tracks was a classic theme. I missed the stronger romantic elements you will get with adult books but then, I am reading some really erotic stuff right now.

I received this book through the "My Favorite Things" Book Swap. Thanks again, Melissa!

Did you review this book too?
Comment with your link!

Ryan is our sexy Contest Bartender.

Today's crazy contest sentences includes
THREE book titles you could win!
*Click the titles to enter*

Ryan followed the Wolf Signs to discover His Darkest Hunger in a Fall Frenzy.

Welcome to Saturday Serials

Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V

Today we continue with Part VI of "My Pet, Murderer"

Based on the comments during the Thrilling and Threatening Contest Bar on June 24th.
I've done the polishing, but my followers helped create the story. Thanks guys!

Sheathing her knife, Cecile got up from the corner booth. In the process, managing to dislodge Murderer's feet from the table and earn herself a dark glare. She just smiled at him sweetly and turned to lay dibs on Miss Sweet.

With a gathering of skirts, she trapped Miss Sweet against the edge of the table, so close that she was straddling her thighs and forcing her to bend back against the table.

Murderer growled in warning, a warning she ignored. Pleasantly surprised that she was not immediately dislodged, Cecile lowered her head and whispered in Miss Sweet's ear.

"Now, now, Sweet. Let's play nice. If there is one thing you've taught me, its to place nice. Now, let's show your pet what playing nice is all about." Murderer's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, though it was difficult to determine if the glow was lust or anger. Most likely, a mixture of both.

Cecile backed away from Miss Sweet and slowly raised her skirt again to show off another dagger strapped higher on her thigh. And again Murderer's eyes were well trained on Cecile's assets. Behind her back, tucked nicely in her waistband were a pair of handcuffs. Distracted by the enticing flesh, Murderer suddenly found himself cuffed to the wall behind him by one hand.

Silence, then an evil smile. "Damn, woman, you are quick. I give you credit." Murderer rattled his chain a moment, testing its strength, then seemed to settle into the seat.

Still pinned between Cecile's legs, Miss Sweet leaned back against the corner of the table. A glance over her shoulder confirmed Murderer's position, content sitting in the booth with one hand chained to the pipe along the wall. It almost looked natural with his cuffed hand caressing the leather seat. Like an invitation to occupy the empty space beneath his outstretched arm.

"Humm, seems she's quicker than both of us today." Twisting between Cecile's thighs, Miss Sweet leaned over and rattled Murderer's chained wrist, an echo of his earlier movement.

In a flash, Murderer caught her taunting hand and pulled her around the table to land snug against his side in the booth. Miss Sweet gasped and low pants betrayed her escalating pulse.

"But not fast enough." Murderer tangled his chained hand in her hair, holding her in place as his free hand moved back to his drink.

He knew she only remained at his side at her leisure. Pain was no obstacle for her. Rarely, even an annoyance.

With a smirk, he once again taunted Cecile. "I do believe I have stolen your prize."

He dipped his fingers in the puddle of condensation from his drink and trailed a wet path across Miss Sweet's collar bone. His reward was a hitching sigh and the tightening of her hand on his thigh. Her purple nails begin to dig into the soft denim. A warning, one he was very familiar with.

Cecile rose to the bait. "Oh, my darlin' Murderer. Have some faith. For in my trap, you have walked."

Cecile slid between the table and the cozy couple. Raising her skirt up, she fit one knee in between Sweet's thigh and nudged her to sit more upright. The other knee went between the thighs of Murderer, where his hard-on could be felt. He let out a moan as Cecile pressed her knee in closer.

Now Cecile was straddling both of them.

She lowered her head to Murderer's ear first and what ever she whispered earned her a deep growl.

Then Cecile turned to Miss Sweet and murmured something in her ear, earning her a mewl.

Taking Miss Sweet's hand Cecile caressed it with light kisses, another distraction. Another set of cuffs appeared from behind Cecile's back and Miss Sweet found her hand cuffed with Murderer's.

Leaning back to observe her handy work, Cecile stuffed the key between her cleavage. Cleavage that was nicely outlined with her peeping purple lace bra.

"Now what shall I do with you two? Or what will you two do with each other?" An evil grin appeared on Cecile's face and darkness crossed her eyes.

Come back next Saturday, the 23rd for THE END when Cecile bites off more than she can chew x2!

Have a great weekend!

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I'm Miranda and I very
v e r y   s l o w l y review
Fiction & Fantasy & Erotica